
5 Ways to Stay Healthy When You’re a Busy Mom

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Perhaps nothing feels more true than the old adage, “A Mother’s Job is Never Done.” Even with all of today’s modern conveniences, moms still manage to find more and more on their plate. Moms from all walks of life need to focus on staying healthy, but all too often put their needs last. If you resonate with this sentiment, then it may be time to reassess how you care for yourself.

1. Get Plenty of Rest

Whether you are a new mom on call 24/7 for your bundle of joy, a working mom, or a mom carpooling kids to activities, rest is key to maintaining good health. Your body requires long periods of sleep in order to grow muscle, repair tissue, and synthesize hormones. Being sleep deprived can negatively impact a mom’s ability to perform. According to Healthline, sleep deprivation “drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at real risk.” Science has linked poor slumber with all kinds of health problems, from weight gain to a weakened immune system.

2. Healthy Diet

The importance of a healthy diet has been touted by experts for years; however, it is startling how many moms are obsessed with the nutritional intake of their children while neglecting their own. For those who need reminding: A healthy diet results in more energy, supports better sleep, boosts the immune system, helps in maintaining healthy weight, and protects against a slew of diseases including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke.

Skipping meals and eating unhealthy snacks is common for moms on the run. If you lack the time to sit and enjoy a meal before dashing out the door, pack your bag with healthy and portable options. Make yourself a sandwich and cut up fruit and veggies when preparing the kids’ lunches the night before and load your car with water bottles. Sample size peanut butter and hummus packs travel well, too.

3. Daily Intake of Supplements

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to intake the amount of food necessary to give our bodies everything they require to operate at optimum levels. That’s where dietary supplements come in. Daily doses of Vitamin-C, Vitamin-D, and B-complex have been touted for years.

Supplements like NAD+ are coming into the spotlight because they help us make energy. According to Paul F. Glenn at the Center for the Biology of Aging at Harvard Medical School, “NAD+ is a molecule found in all living cells and is critical for regulating cellular aging and maintaining proper function of the whole body.” For busy moms, keeping energy levels up in a healthy way is vital.

Calerie is a leading maker of NAD+ supplements, which focus on restoring energy production at the cellular level for slowing the aging process and increasing lifespan. In fact, recent research shows that in the presence of NAD+, the body’s proteins actually work to increase collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and help prevent skin cancer. Feeling better and looking better adds to a busy mom’s state of well-being.

4. Time For Yourself

Socializing is good for your mind and spirit, even during time of self-isolation. Smartphones and the internet can provide social solace for many moms by connecting with friends and loved ones. Numerous online communities exist to support personal downtime. Truly Mama is a community-driven online site that offers advice, personal accounts, and product reviews for moms. Its motto is “motherhood is more rewarding when we realize we’re not in this alone.” Whether it is for catching up on the latest trends or gathering valuable information pertinent to mothering and family life, a bit of alone time can provide a lot of renewal.

5. Exercise

Exercise can often take a backseat in the lives of busy moms. Not everyone has time to go to the gym or take classes, so consider easier fitness options. A simple 10-15 minute walk during your lunch break or while the kids are in school is a nice way to relax and get your daily quota of exercise. Skip the elevator and escalator at work or while shopping and take steps when possible. Squats and free weight lifting are easy as pie to do anywhere. Do squats while dinner is cooking or work on your biceps each evening while helping the kids with their homework. You will be surprised how these simple routines will positively impact your muscle strength, mood, and figure.

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