
4 Things to Keep in Mind Before Starting Your Weight Loss Journey

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So, you’ve finally decided to take the plunge towards a healthy lifestyle. You’ve started going for long walks and counting your calories. You might even be checking the weighing scale far too often to find out whether you’ve lost a few pounds.

Here’s the thing – having a fit and healthy body is a blessing. It shields you from various chronic ailments, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, arthritis, etc. Also, it can go a long way to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.

It isn’t surprising that weight loss grabs the limelight on most New Year resolution lists. There could be various reasons behind why you’d want to shed those extra pounds. Perhaps, you’d like to get in shape to eliminate future health risks.

Or you might have been diagnosed with a lifestyle disorder, and your doctor has recommended that you start a weight loss program. Alternatively, you could be going through a difficult phase in your personal life, and getting in shape is a way of taking control of your circumstances.

Irrespective of why you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to do it the right way. The rise of the internet and social media platforms has made it far too easy to fall prey to weight loss gimmicks, such as fad diets and juice cleanses.

Apart from burning a huge hole in your wallet, these gimmicks could also jeopardize your physical and mental health. So, if you’re about to kickstart your weight loss journey, make sure you do it the right way.

In this blog, we’ve outlined a few key points you should consider before getting started with a weight loss program. Let’s take a look.

1. Know Your Why

Before you hop onto the weight-loss bandwagon, it’s important to understand why you’re doing it. Do you want to get in shape because everyone around you has been pointing out that you’re overweight? Or are you just trying to embrace a healthier lifestyle? Or are you keen on fitting into the societal norms of a presentable body type?

It’s important that you know the answers to these questions before starting a weight loss program. As a ground rule, the only reason you should consider losing weight is for your well-being and not to impress those around you. Otherwise, it could adversely affect your mental health, leading to a wide array of emotional problems and eating disorders.

2. Set Realistic Goals

It’s worth remembering that there’s no overnight success in your weight loss journey. Instead, it could be a painfully slow process. That’s why it is essential to set practical goals, such as losing a couple of pounds in a month. Otherwise, you’ll end up feeling stressed and unaccomplished.

Also, you must keep in mind that everybody reacts differently to diet and exercise. While your friend managed to get rid of their love handles within a few weeks, your body could take more time to achieve the same.

Instead of obsessing over the bigger picture of how you want your body to look, you should focus on where you started and how far you’ve come. Ultimately, a positive outlook and patience are just as crucial for staying in shape.

3. Consult Your Doctor

With the rise of fitness and lifestyle influencers, it’s easy to find trending weight loss programs all over the internet. However, you must understand that these are generic protocols that haven’t been designed keeping a particular body type in mind.

So, instead of blindly following in the footsteps of a fitness guru or celebrity, it’s wiser to consult a doctor. They’ll conduct various tests and scans to determine the best way to help you lose weight. Typically, they’ll suggest a combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Depending on your BMI, metabolism, and overall health, a doctor could also prescribe FDA-approved weight loss medication, such as phentermine HCL, that you can easily find on GetDealRX. It’s an appetite suppressant that works alongside diet and exercise to help your body lose weight.

You should, however, resist the temptation of popping over-the-counter weight loss pills and supplements. It could cause more harm than good in the long run. Follow your doctor’s instructions to the T when it comes to diet pills.

4. Don’t Ignore Your Mental Health

Weight loss is more than just a physical journey. It can transform you emotionally and psychologically. Between a strict diet and a rigorous exercise regimen, it’s easy to lose sight of your mental wellbeing. Before you know it, feelings of frustration, guilt, and self-blame could creep in and send you a few steps back on your quest for fitness.

Make sure you pay attention to your mental health if you want to avoid such a scenario. Allow yourself a cheat day once in a while. Even if you fail to meet your monthly target, don’t blame yourself. It’s also a good idea to build a support network of friends and family members who will motivate you throughout the process.

Getting in shape can be a rewarding and gratifying experience. That is only when you approach weight loss in the right way. Make sure you consult a doctor and outline a weight loss program that works for you. Also, avoid being hard on yourself for not achieving your target weight at the intended time.

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