
Were You Hurt Due To Someone’s Negligence? Here’s How To Claim Your Rights

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If you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, you deserve to be compensated for the damages done. But how do you know what your rights are? And how can you claim those rights? Here’s a brief explanation about what constitutes an injury and how to go about claiming them. If that sounds like something that could have happened to you, then read on!

What is an Injury?

Injuries come in many forms: they can happen as a result of physical contact with another person or object, through exposure to chemicals or radiation, from being hit by a car while crossing the street, or even from sitting too long at work without getting up once in a while. An injury occurs when there is some kind of damage done to your body, whether it’s just a scrape or something more serious.

Types of Injury:

  • Accident at work or on the job
  • Animal bite or attack
  • Boating accidents
  • Slip and fall injury
  • Car Accident

See a Doctor

When you are injured, even if it does not result in a trip to the hospital, make sure you see a doctor or other medical professional. It is always better to be safe than sorry—especially when your health is concerned. Not only will they be able to help you treat your injury, but they can provide you with documentation for future legal proceedings. If the injury was severe enough that it would merit a trip to the hospital, then you should still see a medical professional first before visiting the emergency room.

Hire an Injury Attorney

Even though it may not feel like you’ve been harmed, if you were injured, you can still file a personal injury claim. Do this as soon as possible to ensure the evidence is still fresh. The earlier you file a claim for compensation, the easier it will be to prove your case.

If you have a strong enough case, the defendant could even be forced to pay both compensatory and punitive damages—something that rarely happens in personal injury cases. If that is the situation you have, then the Kendall Law Firm can help guide your case and make sure all of your rights are represented, so you can focus on recovering. If you are working with an attorney on trying to get compensation for an injury done to you, then make sure they have all of the necessary documentation before moving forward.

Get Documents You Will Need

In order to file a claim for compensation for an injury, you will need documentation from your doctor or medical professional stating the extent of your injuries is. If there was no treatment needed after visiting the doctor, then all you may need is a note saying that nothing more than an X-ray was taken and no further treatment was necessary (in some cases). However, if there were treatments given such as medication or physical therapy sessions were given, make sure to get copies of those papers. If you do not have all the necessary evidence, it could be very difficult to prove that your injuries are severe enough to merit financial compensation.

Speak With the Insurance Company

Once you have all the necessary documentation needed, you can begin contacting insurance companies and explaining your case. Sometimes it is possible to do this over the phone—other times an in-person meeting might be required. You are entitled to make a claim for compensation even if your injury was not your fault, so don’t feel hesitant about voicing your concerns no matter what the situation seems like.

Get Evidence

To claim your rights and pursue a personal injury case, first ensure that there is evidence of someone else’s negligence leading up to your injuries. Without proof of this negligence, it will be more difficult for you to successfully file a claim.   You must also file any claims before the statute of limitations runs out—otherwise, you’ll lose all opportunities to seek financial recompense for the damage done.

There are many ways to go about building a strong case against an individual or corporation that has shown negligence in their actions or care towards others. Here are just a few examples: Have witnesses who had seen the incident take place, take photographs of the scene where the incident occurred, and/or take a picture of your injuries. Make a list of all expenses that have been incurred from the injury. This includes medical costs, damage to property, wage loss from being unable to work, and any other expenses related to the injury.

In conclusion, if you feel as though your rights were violated due to someone else’s carelessness, make sure to read on and find out what legal steps you can take in order to claim them. Find a lawyer and keep all receipts and medical documentation safe for later use—you never know when they will come in handy!

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