
How To Lose Weight In A Healthy Way

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Losing weight is a subject that is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society. This subject is usually mixed with a lot of opinions that are not well informed. Without the proper knowledge of physiology and our current society, it is very hard to grasp this subject properly. Most people think that someone is overweight just because they eat too much and they need to stop. Obesity is a real problem that can never be good for someone’s health.

However, solving this problem of being overweight is not as easy as many people deem it to be. Grasping the whole hormonal network that regulates our body mass is not an easy task to do. This means that being overweight is almost always associated with irregular hormonal balance. Dealing with this problem requires both your determination and the help of other experts and their knowledge.

Calorie intake

Losing weight does not mean just eating less and less. It means taking in the number of calories that your body needs, nothing more or less. Luckily, it is very easy to determine the calories you need with a caloric needs calculator (CNC) which is pretty easy to use. It is readily available online and you can get this very important parameter calculated in no time. 

Just be aware not to follow this number like one of the holy commandments. Technically, one soda or a piece of sugary cake can equate to the calories you need from one lunch. This does not mean that it is ok to drink soda instead of eating lunch. Also, calories are calculated on the basis of how much heat a certain food produces during combustion. Our bodies do not work like a furnace, so how much energy we get from food always varies.

Do not fast

People usually associate diets with just eating less food, which is wrong. As it was mentioned earlier, you should not do that because fasting can be harmful. You can find numerous people that swear that fasting is a great thing and you should do it. And the truth is, that kind of diet can work for them and some other people. But, every one of us has a unique body without a match in this world.

When you fast, your body relies on using storages of fat as the main source of energy. This is what losing weight means, losing that excess fat tissue. However, when your body undergoes such a process, it relies on making metabolic products that can be harmful to you. In small doses, this is completely fine, but if you fast for too long, they can accumulate. Some people are more resilient to these products and they can fast for longer, most other people are not.


Besides the right diet, you need a proper regime of using the excess energy stores. This is best done with exercise and you need it. The key to losing weight includes a set of changes to your everyday life, not just one or two things. Everyone knows that you need to exercise, but no one tells you how to exercise and how much. Everyone just implies that you should get shredded as soon as possible no matter the cost.

The truth is, this process takes some time and it is not easy at all. People do not understand that starting this journey is not all sunshine and rainbows as many represent it. Of course, there are some people who really managed to do so in no time. But again, those people are the exception and not the rule, and you should not look up to them. You should not let others dictate how easy or hard this journey that you are about to start.

Having a realistic image and goals

If you fog your goals with becoming a gigachad or becoming the fittest supermodel, you are more likely to fail. There is nothing wrong with dreaming big, the problem is when you stress about making it to that goal. When you have a big goal and realize you are not close to it, the natural response is to feel bad and quit.

Many people set up unrealistic goals which in turn leads to more damage for you. In order to make this journey a healthy one, you need to know that you will be starting small at first. And until you reach your goal, you will need to take a lot of smaller steps that will not always be easy. This does not mean that you are not tough to handle it, you can do it, but you need to understand these things.

Understanding it is not a you problem, it is systematic

Many people like to frame losing weight as something that you should do alone. When someone is overweight, they always blame the other problem instead of looking at the bigger picture. No one is a gluttonous irresponsible person that just eats because they enjoy it. Every overweight person is in that situation due to a health problem or because of other systematic circumstances.

Only a few realize how much our hormones play a key factor in determining how much we eat. Only a few realize that people are getting fatter because there is sugar in everything we consume. Only a few know how much there is hidden propaganda behind drinks like Coca-Cola or other kinds of food that are harmful to us.

These are the key concepts that you should know about when losing weight. It is very important to know about these concepts and how to think about losing weight. There are countless tutorials that tell you how to do this, but you need a personalized approach to achieve this. Rarely do these generalized tutorials go into detail that can completely help you in this very tough fight.

By knowing about the facts and this set of thinking, you will be able to complete this journey. You will also complete this journey in a healthy manner for both body and the mind. It is very important to keep both of these intact when trying to lose weight. The mental health part of this journey is a topic for a much bigger article that other experts are already trying to cover.

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