Paying your bills on time is essential to avoid financial challenges and maintain a good credit score, it shows creditors that you are responsible and capable of managing your finances. This can make it easier for you to get approved for loans, credit cards, and other financial products in the future. Unfortunately, keeping up with your bills can be challenging when you are injured and not working. While research has mentioned what you should do after suffering a physical injury in the workplace, below are a few ways to continue paying your bills after a work injury.
- Workers’ compensation benefits
If you were injured on the job, you might be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, including medical treatment and wage replacement. These benefits are typically paid by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Workers’ compensation may pay for immediate medical care for work-related injuries, including temporary disability benefits. It may also cover impairment and permanent total disability benefits to its employees who suffer long-term consequences of disabilities caused on the job.
- Communicate with your creditors
If you cannot make regular payments due to your injury, you must let your creditors know as soon as possible. They can work with you to set up a payment plan or to temporarily suspend your payments until you can return to work. Avoid waiting until you miss a payment before contacting your creditors about your inability to settle a financial obligation.
- Disability insurance
Do you have a disability insurance policy through your employer or as an individual policy? In that case, you may receive benefits to help cover your expenses while you cannot work due to your injury. You may also be eligible for SSDI benefits if your injury is severe and you are expected to be unable to work for some time, say, a year. These benefits are designed to provide financial support to individuals unable to work due to a disability. Meanwhile, it would be best to speak to semi truck accident lawyers if your injuries are complicated and may likely be scrutinized by your insurer before settling your claims.
- Consider cutting expenses
Take a look at your budget and see where you can cut back on expenses while you cannot work. That might include canceling unnecessary subscriptions or cutting back on non-essential spending. You may also sell your assets to generate extra income if you no longer need them or can live without them. Things like a second car or unused jewelry are some items you can sell to get some cash to cover your bills. Otherwise, ask for help by reaching out to your friends or family for financial assistance if you struggle to manage your bills and expenses. Some charities or community support groups may also be willing to help your situation.
It’s essential to note that each option has its own pros and cons, plus eligibility requirements. Some options may take some time to receive benefits. However, speaking with a financial professional to understand your options and ensure you receive maximum benefits is a good idea.