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It is that time of year again and the holiday cheers have finally begun. People are putting up christmas trees, lining up their house with bright lights, and malls flooded with sneakerheads. For the past few years, Jordan brand brings out one of its most celebrated models the Air Jordan 11 for a december release. In previous years sneakerheads have been gifted with the bred, concord, cool grey, gamma blue, columbia, and now the space jam for a second time.
Everyone knows the iconic story of Space Jam with Michael Jordan teaming with the Looney Toons to defeat the unstoppable Monstars. Jordan laced up in the iconic Air Jordan 11 “Space Jam” during the film and the craze hasn’t ceased since 1996. The last time fans were gifted with the Air Jordan 11 Space Jam was 2009 and it was absolute madness. Entire malls were flooded, lines wrapped around buildings, and the national news portrayed sneakerheads as insane consumers. This time around things seem a bit more calm due the influx of the market and a huge price tag of 220$. Jordan brand promises that almost everyone will have the chance to get their hands on pair this year, but do to the hype of this release that is yet to be seen.
This new 2016 model runs along with Jordan Brand’s remastered line, which is the reason for the price increase. This model is the closest to the original 1996 model seen in the film. The black patent leather is back to its amazing texture, the jumpman faces in the same direction unlike other pairs released in recent years, and lastly finished with an icy blue bottom. Inside the shoe is the “Nike Air” branding and the biggest change is the 45 being branded on the back of the shoe. Some sneakerheads love the 45 on the back and some just can’t get behind it.
December never fails as the best time for releases and this year hopefully it wins again. The Air Jordan 11 Space Jam will release this Saturday, December 10th in large quantities but don’t take that as a guarantee. This release is highly anticipated and should sell out unlike the Air Jordan 3 “True Blue” which had a disappointing turn out. Check out the images below and best of luck grabbing this classic!
*Images by Fastpass & Jordan Brand