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There are some people we come across who have an undeniable and unique skill set. Those individuals who stand out often become the ones we know will make an impact in an industry. Natural talent was Jimmy Dunne’s ability to become a musician and songwriter at a young age. He has led the stage for countless songwriters, for his generation and generations to come. He has worked with some of music’s biggest legends such as Whitney Houston, Anne Murray, and Jermaine Jackson of the Jackson Five. His work has been part of films such as Pretty Women, and Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. He has also had a successful career writing for film and television. In addition to being one of the greatest songwriters of his time, he is also a composer, television producer, and recording artist. He has collaborated on projects that have brought his recordings to life worldwide over 27 million times. Within the television industry, he has been a part of over 1,400 television episodes and film scores, such as the notable television series Happy Days.
I had the honor of interviewing Jimmy Dunne about his book titled Jimmy Dunne Says: 47 Short Stories That Are Sure to Make You Laugh, Cry And-Think, in which he gives a lifetime of advice and reflection on his incredible career.
With Jimmy Dunne Says, I’m just loving writing age-appropriate stories that align with the beliefs and values of this message—that I so passionately believe in,” Dunne said.
The legendary songwriter also has a lifetime of incredible memories to share. He recalled that one of his favorite songwritng moments from memory is with family ties. He stated, “I went with my six brothers and sisters to How the West Was Won when I was seven. We had my grandpa’s piano in our house. My mom was in the kitchen cooking. I started to play the theme from the film. My mom figured someone was over visiting. When she came in, she asked me how I was doing it—and I told her all the notes on the piano were in a row.”
Dunne feels a connection to writng lyrics and psychology as well, stating, “That’s why I love the art of songwriting so much. With songs, it’s also about when you hear a song. If the right song catches you in a vulnerable moment, when you’re open to really, really listen – that’s when the power of music really happens. It’s really no different with storytelling in any art form in this regard.”
He further stated, “As an example, in writing an alma mater for a university, I do an incredible amount of research to understand the ‘voice’ of the storyteller before I write anything. To get a sense of what story I should convey. Who I’m conveying the story to; and how the music or lyrics should speak to that particular audience.”
Dunne also acknowledges his natural talent by emphasizing, “I never really took any formal lessons; I learned the math of piano on my own. I’ve always seen math and music in very similar ways. When I hear songs on the radio in restaurants, in buildings, I’m always doing the ‘math’ of playing the chords on my hands. I’ve done it since I was a little kid.”
When a songwriter is in the beginning process of composing, Jimmy Dunne acknowledges the importance of considering the message they may potentially convey. When I asked him if he reflects on a song’s message and meaning, he stated, “Absolutely. The voice of the song has always been a first consideration when beginning a song. If I’m writing for a show, film, or university, it’s all about who is the ‘voice’ of the song. Who is the storyteller?”
So, want to know what makes a good song? Dunne says, “A great, memorable melody. A song that looks, sounds, and feels just like the writer.”
Then I asked Dunne, “Has the tone or experience of the songwriting process changed with each generation’s evolving interests and use of technology?” Dunne stated, “So much! But it’s all great. Discover what you’re best at. For me, it’s writing with heart. Writing a story.”
I inquired, “How do you know when an artist and a song are a good fit?” To which Dunne replied, “Songs and artists are like a great outfit. When they fit right—you know it.”
I also asked Jimmy Dunne about the importance of digging deep to find the inspiration to form or translate ideas as a writer into lyrics. In which he kindly shared, “I think it starts with loving yourself. And passionately believing in something that you truly believe you want to share – and believing that you have a unique and wonderful way to express it in your song.” He also feels that connecting with fans by sharing our truths is important in a song. He stated, “What I love about the art of songwriting is that you’ve got three minutes to emotionally engage a complete stranger. To move them. To use your words and your music to touch them. To inspire them. That’s the art of songwriting. It has to emotionally happen in the moment. And, above all, it has to be truthful.”
Understanding different kinds of people, walks of life, and perspectives is also important to the songwriter. Dunne recognized real moments matter to translate or become part of the song’s greater picture. He stated, “As a songwriter, whether writing music and lyrics, for my money, it’s only going to be real if it’s rooted in something drawn from your own life. From your own feelings.”
The emotional connections and memories have become part of Jimmy Dunne’s songwriting process. From his own experience, he shared, “I feel very privileged to be able to go back and listen to old songs – and feel like I’m looking at old scrapbooks. Of relationships. Of how I felt about things.”
While looking back on some of the best industry moments, Jimmy Dunne stated his favorite musical moment was, “Probably recording my first piano album with my mom in a dinky studio in Gary, Indiana. In high school. I played with my mom sitting across from me. I’m getting emotional thinking about it. My mom understood what music did for me. She believed in me. I got my mother’s heart. It’s one of the greatest gifts in my life.”
Jimmy Dunne has so much real-world experience to share with his fans. He has worked on official events such as The Olympics and for notable figures such as Presidents of The United States. He says in those powerful and global moments, “I think it’s the same as anything. It’s about being reverent to the brand and its mission. Reverent to its audience. And telling the truth—using music and words.”
Dunne aspires to reach all generations with his writings and lyrics. He wants readers of his book and songs to know and hopes it will be a part of his legacy, “That life is wonderful. That life is a gift. That I have lived such an amazingly privileged, lucky life.” When reading, Jimmy Dunne Says, you will be inspired by the precious moments of life.
Jimmy Dunne is an incredible force and influence in the songwriting industry. He said, “I know one thing. I’m the luckiest guy in the world to have been able to make a living in the arts – telling stories through music and through words. How blessed am I. I don’t want it to end; I’m just loving this amazing journey that I get to be on with the most wonderful people in my life.” Be sure to read What Jimmy Dunne Says: 47 Short Stories That Are Sure to Make You Laugh, Cry And- Think, for an inspirational read. Thank you to Jimmy Dunne and Management for the opportunity to interview the legendary writer for Social The Lifestyle Magazine.
Read What Jimmy Dunne Says: 47 Short Stories That Are Sure to Make You Laugh, Cry And- Think available on Amazon.
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