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With the recent improvements we’ve seen in camera technology, it’s becoming easier than ever for people to take close up shots of subjects. You can now grab your DSLR, wait for it to focus on the object in front of you automatically, and capture the perfect photo. It’s quite remarkable.
Macro photos, however, still require a bit of finesse. Here are some tips if you want to make your close up shots look great.
Take Control Of Your Background
You might have found the perfect subject, but if the background isn’t up to scratch, then you can quickly find yourself struggling to take the perfect shot.
Instead of taking your subject to your background, take your background to your subject. Often this just means propping up a piece of colored material behind the thing you want to photograph, providing ideal contrast.
Choose Your Subject Wisely
Not all subjects are cut out for closeup photography. While macro photos of insects are a great idea, closeups of generic materials are not.
The purpose of macro photography is to reveal new detail that you don’t get when you consider subjects on their regular scale. If your photograph doesn’t show anything new, then it’s probably not going to inspire your audience.
Ideally, you also want the object to be recognizable while also retaining some of its mystique. You want your audience to believe that they have correctly identified the subject while providing them with something new.
Use Accessories If You Don’t Have A Real Macro Lens
Bonafide macro lenses are quite expensive. While they provide great close up shots, they can wreck your bank account.
Many people prefer to opt for a cheaper alternative called a diopter. This device is essentially just a regular magnifying glass that you screw on to the end of your lens to help draw out more of the detail of the subject. Using one can transform your camera into something that is much better able to capture the fine detail of the thing you’re trying to snap.
Use Higher Focal Lengths For Living Subjects
It can be challenging to get up close to living subjects, like insects, frogs, newt, and birds, without scaring them away. The vast bulk of photographers, therefore, opt for longer focal lengths, allowing them to take photos at a greater distance from the subject.
Don’t be under any illusions: macro photography still requires getting very close. Experts recommend placing the end of the lens within 90 mm of the subject – just a few inches.
Buy A Macro Lens
If you want to achieve the same image quality you see in magazines, you need to buy a macro-ready lens. The majority of lenses on the market offer 1:1 magnification, which is the gold standard in the industry.
You may worry about the price of macro lenses, but it is worth the investment if you love taking closeups. Remember to buy a flat-field macro lens if you plan on shooting objects with small depths, such as coins and stamps.