Four Seasons takes their uncompromised luxury hospitality to higher levels with their ‘Around the World Journey.”
Starting at $100,000 per person, globetrotters can travel around the world while indulging in the highest of luxury standards. Each 19 to 25 day all-inclusive journey includes air travel, ground transportation, planned excursions, and meals and accommodations at a Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts. “Our new 2016 itineraries offer guests the opportunity to experience new and exciting destinations while enjoying the uncompromised luxury and customized service they have come to expect from Four Seasons.” Says Christopher W. Norton, Executive Vice President, Global Product and Operations at Four Seasons.
Visit to book your tour.
Below are a list 2016 Journeys, but hurry, they sell-out quickly.
Timeless Discoveries: An Around the World Journey (January 26 – February 18)
Los Angeles – Kona – Bora Bora – Sydney – Bali – Chiang Mai – Taj Mahal and Mumbai – Prague – London
This signature Four Seasons Private Jet itinerary has become a classic favorite among guests. A sell out many times over, the 2016 itinerary introduces a stop in Prague, Czech Republic in addition to other favourite locations around the globe, from the breathtaking beaches of Bora Bora to the majestic beauty of the Taj Mahal. Guests will enjoy the thrill of some of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities and the tranquil beauty of the most stunning landscapes nature has to offer.
International Intrigue: An Around the World Journey (April 14 – May 7)
Seattle – Tokyo – Beijing – Maldives – Serengeti – Istanbul – St. Petersburg – Marrakech – Boston
Spanning eight countries and four continents, this itinerary takes guests to some of the world’s most unique and intriguing destinations. From the stunning landscapes and lush, untamed nature of the Serengeti to the opulence of St. Petersburg and the beautiful Maldives, known as the “last paradise on earth,” guests traverse the globe in Four Seasons luxury both in the air and on the ground.
Extraordinary Adventures: An Around the World Journey (September 17 – October 11)
Austin – Costa Rica – Hawaii – Sydney – Langkawi – Mauritius – Serengeti – Petra and the Dead Sea – Lisbon
This brand new itinerary caters to the adventurous spirit. With an increasing demand for adventure travel, Four Seasons has created an itinerary for the thrill-seeker at heart without compromising on legendary Four Seasons luxury. This exciting journey includes everything from rock climbing in Malaysia to zip-lining in Costa Rica and surfing in Hawaii. Seven of the nine stops on this itinerary are entirely new to the Four Seasons Private Jet Experience. Be among the first to experience adventure in a way only Four Seasons can deliver.
Cultural Escape: Europe, Middle East and Africa (November 4 – 22)
London – Petra and the Dead Sea – Dubai – Seychelles – Serengeti – Florence – London
Featuring perhaps the most diverse and intriguing collection of destinations of all Private Jet itineraries, including the beautiful Seychelles, a perennial guest favourite, this journey allows guests to immerse themselves in the distinct cultures of some of the most fascinating areas of the world. Departing from cosmopolitan London, guests travel to the lost city of Petra, imposing in its grandeur, as well as visiting the lowest point on earth and experiencing the healing properties of the magnificent Dead Sea. This is juxtaposed with a grand finale in Florence, the birthplace of Renaissance culture, art and architecture before a return to London.