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Special and popular players are often given their own signature sneaker lines. Nike has given Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, and recently Paul George his own line do their popularity. Only a few of those athletes ever are gifted with having their shoe retroed. Lebron James has been the athlete that has transcended the way we think about basketball. He is that once in generational player that changes the entire way we think about basketball and sports in general. Fans can think back to his first game against the Sacramento Kings dominating and showing world what was to come. That iconic game also came with his first sneaker, the Nike Zoom Generation One.

Lebron announced it first that the shoe would be retroing through Bleacher Report’s “UNINTERRUPTED” series. The shoe first released back in 2003 for 110$ and they make their return this Wednesday, January 25th for the price tag of 175$. This release for the time being is extremely limited and will only be releasing in NYC at the Foot Locker House of Hoops on 34th Street. Check out the new images below, the throwback add, Lebron rocking them himself this year and do your best to grab this pair!
*Images by Nike