2016 Options Group hoiday party
Options Group started its business in 1992 as a technology recruiting company. In the beginning, it dealt with application and analytic programmers with software researchers. They integrated finance and technology, evolving many of the software professionals. Options Group has been adapting to changing trends in industry to maintain its image for innovation.
Services provided by Options Group
Individual growth has unlimited opportunities at Options Group. There is a distinction between Options Group and other competitors when it comes to entrepreneurial essence. All the recruiters and researchers get benefit from team work by working together and individuals are provided with opportunities to present and follow unique ideas. Hard work and practice is not compromised at any cost.
Respect is an integral part of Options Group. The traditional hierarchy is beaten out as junior employees are not bound to work under senior ones. Entrepreneurial aspect is developed among all the employees of Options Group. The aim of Options Group is to work with each other instead of working for each other.
Information Technology Recruitment
Options Group offers information technology recruitment by providing highly talented and capable IT professionals through contracts. The leading IT professionals are top specialists in relevant fields. Clients of Options Group include hedge funds, investment banks, asset managers and trading firms.
Financial Services
The principal focus of Options Group is to provide financial services. The recruitment of talent has no boundaries and limits when talking about this technology. Options Group emphasis on recruitment from companies who are technogically driven such as Oracle, Google and VMware. Top technologists play their role in software design, trading infrastructure and hardware for the serving company.
Technological trends
Options Group keeps up with the latest technological trends to ensure clients are provided with up to date talented people. No matter it is Big Data, Information security, algorithm trading or other technology, Options Groups have a full grip over all the trends and recruit specialists accordingly.
Input of every member of Options Group is taken into consideration when making decisions for the firm. Extensive measures and efforts have been made to stand above all the competitors of the industry. These efforts are well rewarded by Options Group in terms of consultation and financial services.
Wall street recruiting
Although Options group is an executive search business, it has interviewed numerous employees of Wall street. It means they have an estimate of extensive salary of Wall street employees and this information is used for client estimation.
Options Group is an intelligent firm with expert team force. The consultation and knowledge of its team leaders is unparalleled rewarding the business with collaborative work and dedicated employees. It provides opportunity for learning to every member making them grow at a greater pace.
It is truly a growing firm one would love to work with. The members of Options Group family enjoy a fun place with a lot of people with different backgrounds. The environment of the firm is diverse that is a result of dedicated leadership.
Event Coordinator: Gisele Barcelo