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It’s coming to that time of year again! The World Series? Nope. Fall? Closer, but nope. Halloween? DING! DING! DING! YES, you guessed it…time for outrageous costumes, spooky decorations, filled up candy stashes, monster mashes and most important to us here at TEMPTU: MAKEUP!!!
We know some of you have your minds made up and are going to be America’s hardest twerking sweetheart: Miley Cyrus. But for most us, there’s still a lot to decide on! Funny Costume? Scary Costume? Sexy Costume? Hybrid of those three if that’s possible? Celebrity? High Heels? Mask? Do it yourself or buy it online? The questions go on and on.
We’ll agree that a lot goes into a costume but one thing is for sure…we can help you pull off the makeup of some of Hollywood’s most memorable characters. We created a list of some of our favorite Hollywood makeup jobs over the decades and provided insight on how the look was achieved.
Take a look and see if these makeup tips help you achieve your Hollywood/Halloween look! Lastly, we also have