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Dr. Marina Peredo, Skinfluence founder, performs the Silhouette Instalift procedure to help make your skin and face appear younger. The procedure does not require general anesthesia, routine facial injections or long downtime. This new, minimally invasive procedure gives a natural looking, lasting look by lifting the sagging skins of the midface and restoring volume to the facial contours. We had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Peredo and learn more about this innovative procedure.
Dr. Marina Peredo, Skinfluence founder, performs the Silhouette Instalift procedure to help make your skin and face appear younger. The procedure does not require general anesthesia, routine facial injections or long downtime. This new, minimally invasive procedure gives a natural looking, lasting look by lifting the sagging skins of the midface and restoring volume to the facial contours. We had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Peredo and learn more about this innovative procedure.
What is the Silhouette Instalift Procedure?
The Silhouette Instalift procedure uses sutures that have a little more anchorage. They normally start at the lower part of the face and pull up and by anchoring the sagging skin it gives a lift. It’s kind of a dual lift, you have a mechanical lift, but then the sutures are being absorbed by the body- there is a production of collagen laying around the suture [leaving a firmness].
How long does this procedure take?
The procedure in general takes about 45 minutes to an hour depending on the patient.
What does this procedure do to help the appearance of the skin?
This procedure is basically for women and men who have sagging skin and may not be quite ready for a face lift, but they look for a natural fix.
Who is the ideal patient for this procedure?
This is probably an ideal procedure for women in their 40s and 50s who start to see the signs of aging. They have some sagging but not tons and wish to pull their skin up more towards their ears.
What was the inspiration behind this procedure?
I think this day and age everyone is looking for rejuvenation whether that’s with fillers or this kind of procedure that gives patients good results with minimal down time. This is another alternative for minimally invasive procedure that can be done in the office.
How costly is this procedure?
I think it’s going to vary around the country and patient. I’m going to say it will run between $3,000 to $5,000.
Anything else to know about the procedure?
Because it’s relatively new it should be performed by qualified physicians who have undergone special training for it so they know exactly how it needs to be done and who’s a good candidate. I think it’s very exciting to have yet another two of us who offer patients great results with minimal discomfort and minimal downtime. So, I am really excited to be able to offer it to my patients.
You can learn more about this procedure at