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Seeing that we live in a fast-paced world, work seems to have taken up most of our time. Even the games and sports that we used to love as kids have fallen by the wayside. To be honest, everyone needs a place where they can go to have a bit of fun and unwind. If you wish to have some leisure time after a long day at work, then you should consider sparing some space in your home to create the ultimate indoor game room. This can be a great place to relax, hang out with loved ones, or even provide a safe and controlled environment where your kids and their friends can get together and play. From creating a replica stadium to an ideal gaming room, bright ideas are all you need to transform underused spaces like the basement. Rather than scrolling through social media, watching TV, or browsing for cat videos, why not use that time to play your favourite indoor sports or online casino games. Indoor game rooms are gaining popularity so much so that there are several ideas on how to create them on TV shows and magazines. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Invest in an Entertainment-friendly Layout
It’s important to consider where you want to build the game room. Choose somewhere that’s relaxing and away from the busy parts of the home like the kitchen or living room. It could be a bedroom that no one uses or a den. However, such a lower-level game room with probably one television and limited seating may not be ideal if you plan on entertaining many guests. You want a bigger room, probably the basement, loft, or garage, where everyone can fit comfortably and have fun. Be careful not to over pack your game room with so many activities lest it ends up feeling small and cramped. Also, take into account the space required to allow you and your loved ones to engage and have fun playing.
Lighting is Essential
Lighting is an integral part of creating the ultimate indoor game room. A very bright room will feel stark and unwelcoming while a very dim one will make it hard for you and your guests to enjoy the games. The right amount of light will depend on the theme of your game room. For instance, if you plan on playing video games, you should go for a darker interior to keep screen glare to a minimum. Creating your game room in the basement is a great option if you are into video games as its already pretty dark. For brighter rooms, you can add heavy blackout drapes. On the other hand, other games like pool and board games require more light. Go for spaces that open up to natural light or simply install suitable lighting fixtures to illuminate the game boards and tables. Remember to incorporate lighting that can be of different colours so you’re able to set the mood you like.
Think About Your Favourite Sport
Engaging in sports or playing games can be a great way to escape from the daily stresses of life and even improve physical and mental health. The beauty of creating an indoor game room is surrounding yourself with what you love. Therefore, when picking the type of games to have in your game room, consider those that you enjoy. For instance, if you love classic games, you can set up tables for pool or table tennis, or even create a floor-hockey stadium complete with a penalty box, built-in goals, safe lighting, and proper flooring in your basement. If you’re into video games, you could set up a modern gaming station. Don’t forget to include a massive monitor that has online access and connects to your many devices. There’s a world of indoor gaming and sporting options to choose from, including shuffleboard, slots, table games, golf, Foosball, air hockey, and much more. Whatever you are into, find a way to best utilize your space and make your game room unique to your needs and personality. When it comes to decoration, mix and match for a playful effect. But if you’re passionate about a specific game or sport, use it as an inspiration to decorate the entire space. For instance, you can hang jerseys, hats, or other merchandise of your favourite team on the walls.
Don’t Forget a Place to Keep Score
No game room is complete without a little bit of competition. So, add a scoreboard in the room, as well as, a chalkboard or marker board to keep score and track winning streaks. Whether you are playing alone or with other people, keeping score can be a great way to motivate players.
Soundproof Your Space
The level of noise can increase in game rooms, especially when the game is heating up. It’s important to invest in soundproofing your game room to avoid distracting others. Luckily, minimizing sound between floors and rooms can be done in many ways. For starters, upgrade your existing framing by installing QuietRock, which is a drywall panel specifically created to prevent noise transmission; or use green glue, which is a sound suppressant glue that can be used between walls or floor materials. You can also add extra insulation inside the walls, add sound-absorbing foam panels, or add blankets. Another option that’s often underrated is carpeting the game room. The truth is a carpet is a great sound-absorption material, plus it’s cost-effective compared to the other options.
Have fun with these tips, go crazy, and create a fun indoor game room you and your loved ones will enjoy. If you’re creating a family game room, include bright colours, comfy seats, and fun family indoor games that everyone can be part of. There are several design ideas that can help you turn an extra room into a recreation destination. Your creativity is your limit.