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Regardless of whether you like your job or not, lacking energy and productivity is something everyone experiences from time to time. Running a business can be overwhelming and it’s not that uncommon waking up morning after morning tired and wondering if you’ve got energy to move on. Psychologists call this burnout and it can happen to you whether you’re at the office or you work from home. However, there are several things you can do to prevent and cure this and get your productivity back to the max level in no time.
Take care of your diet
It’s a no-brainer that quality diet can bring energy boosts, so start your day with lemon water to boost your metabolism and a protein-based breakfast to fuel you. Make sure you don’t skip meals and always have some fruit, nuts, and a lot of water in case you get sugar cravings. Focus on real food – avoid anything processed and switch to cold-pressed fruit and vegetables – there are plenty of smoothies you can make in a minute that will give you all-day energy.
Let sleep be your recovery
There’s no remedy like a good night sleep, so don’t take this one for granted. Working too much and having a lot of responsibilities can interfere with the quality of your sleep, but there are several things you can do to help yourself and improve your bedtime. Eat light in the evening, disconnect from your gadgets, go to bed early – and let the sleep heel you through the night.
Engage in physical activity
Deskercise (working out while in the office), workleisure (work-friendly clothing inspired by comfy fitness clothing), and many other trends are here for a reason – to show the importance of everyday physical activity. If you want to maximize your results and significantly increase your energy, don’t hesitate to invest in good equipment.
Clean up your workspace
Mess is often perceived as a good thing for creative work but the fact is that this is not universally true for everyone. Once you clear up your desk and get everything in order, you will save precious time and mental resources, which you can use for important tasks. It’s easier to focus when there’s no mess to distract you, so make sure you clean up your workspace.
Prioritize smartly
If your productivity is low because you lost your goal from sight, the best way to visualize it again is to write it down. Simply make a list of all the things you want to achieve and your reasons for working towards them. After you are done, prioritize. Psychologists suggest you should always complete the toughest task first since it will ease your worries and give you a self-confidence boost right at the beginning.
Take the positivity challenge
Challenging yourself to only think positive thoughts for seven days sounds easy, right? Well, it’s not actually about the positive thoughts themselves – it’s about you learning to see the sunny side of everything. On the days you’re feeling low in self-confidence, energy, and productivity, try not to burden yourself additionally with negative thoughts. Create a habit to always choose a useful and positive reaction to various situations instead and you’ll notice the change in your life in no time.
Watch who you compare yourself with
Looking up to successful people is fine, but don’t fall into the trap and start comparing yourself to them. Yes, there’s always going to be a lot of people who accomplished more than you, but being miserable because of that can only destroy your self-esteem. Focus on your results instead – review your achievements so you can learn from your mistakes and achieve even more in the future.
Limit your time for decisions
The longer you wait to make a decision, the more energy it will take, not to mention how overthinking can mislead you to make a wrong decision. The best way to deal with this is to set short-time limits for decisions. Do this even for the smallest things, such as doing the laundry, and you’ll soon see your productivity rise.
Allow yourself to make a mistake
To err is human and failures can be a wonderful opportunity to learn and make progress. Yet, not many people understand this, so the fear of failure paralyzes them and stops them from progressing. However, mistakes will teach you to accept yourself as you are and help you clarify what you really want. Once you stop being afraid and accept your flaws and failures, your self-confidence will rise and you’ll become invincible.
As you can see, providing yourself with energy and productivity boosts is simple – all you need to do is to make a few twitches in your everyday habits. So, go ahead, try some of these things and make the most of your day!