From obligations at work to errands and chores and making time for family and friends – your plate is fuller than ever and, unfortunately, getting sick can throw a major wrench into your marathon of activities and greatly hamper your productivity.
Despite how frustrating it can be, your busy life doesn’t come to a halt when you’re sick. That’s why you need to do everything you can to start feeling better faster so you don’t fall too far behind. Take these five steps to help you get back to conquering your full to-do list in no time.
Get plenty of sleep.
With all of the hustle and bustle of your day, taking the time for sleep may seem impossible, but an established sleep schedule is one of the most important things you can do to support your health. Getting eight hours of sleep is always optimal especially when sick; however sickness can often disrupt our sleep. To help combat symptoms like sinus pressure or a stuffed nose from keeping you up, you can make easy changes like propping yourself up in bed and moisturizing the air with a humidifier or vaporizer. You may find you breathe – and sleep – easier.
Combat your worst symptoms.
When your cold and flu symptoms become too much, get some real relief. The best plan of action? Turn to your pharmacist for expert advice and medicine recommendations. Advil Cold & Sinus is the number one pharmacist recommended brand to treat your worst cold and flu symptoms. Ask for it at the pharmacy counter.
Don’t be afraid to exercise.
If your symptoms are primarily in your head and neck, you’re generally still healthy enough to exercise. Nevertheless, consider a lighter workout to get the benefits of exercise without putting too much stress on your already-suffering body. A brisk walk for 30 to 45 minutes each day while sick is recommended to help you recover. However, be sure to dress appropriately for the climate.
Binge on super foods.
We all know about the benefits of getting plenty of Vitamin C when sick, but you can also complement its effects by increasing your intake of Vitamins A, E and B6, as well as iron and zinc to help you recover faster. These helpful nutrients can be found in fruits and veggies, like sweet potatoes and carrots, whole grains and lean meats or fish, so don’t be afraid to add more of these foods to your diet when you don’t feel well.
Drink up.
Water, broth or herbal tea – the more hydrated you stay, the better. Fluids not only soothe your throat, but they also ward off dehydration, thin your mucus and help your body systems function adequately – which, in turn, helps your immune system function at its best. With that said, not all drinks are created equal; stay away from caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These beverages will actually increase dehydration, not relieve it.
Being sick can be painful enough without the fear of missing out on important activities, so follow these tips to get back on your feet as fast as possible. To learn more about Advil Cold and Sinus, visit
Article provided by BPT