Louis Vuitton handbags have seen many replicas being made of themselves, and some of them are remarkable in their similarity. You can find a Louis Vuitton Replica handbag out there that is quite close to the original and has a quality of its own. Many of these handbags are almost indistinguishable, and finding the difference…
Fall and winter of last year saw a resurgence of fur in fashion unlike anything we have seen in the last two decades. The runways, red carpets and magazines were filled with multiple examples of fur coats, vests, jackets and accessories, and it seems as though this classic style is making a big comeback. Undoubtedly…
Does it ever seem like a lot of healthy-eating advice is about "less," "giving up" and "taking away?" Reducing fat and sodium intake, avoiding high-calorie foods and trimming portion size are commonly heard pieces of advice when you're trying to lose weight or improve your diet. But health experts agree, good eating doesn't just mean…
Eat more fiber.
If your doctor didn't give you this advice at your last checkup, she probably should have: 97 percent of Americans don't get the recommended daily amount of dietary fiber they need to stay healthy. But what is fiber, and why is it good for you?
Dietary fiber, sometimes called "roughage," is a plant-based…
Get eight hours of sleep at night, eat your vegetables, and an apple a day keeps the doctor away - these are all common health sayings you've heard and probably believe to be true. While commonly told health myths may have some truth to them, there are some that don't hold up to further examination.
Whether you're on or off the field, it's important to fuel up wisely. Leading sports nutritionists across the country recommend potatoes as the go-to choice for fueling your body before or after a workout.
"To perform at your best, put potatoes on your plate," says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, CSSD, the nutritionist for the 2016 World…
Getting in shape for summer is more than just feeling good in a swimsuit. It's being healthy so you can participate in all the fun activities that come along with the warmer weather.
From hiking to swimming, you don't want to miss out on any of the summer fun. Eating right is a great way to…
Think you're eating well? Misconceptions lead to nutrient deficiencies for many...
The good news? Americans think they are eating well; in fact, 60 percent say they eat a very healthy diet. The not-so-good news? Perception and reality may not be aligned.
Only 6 percent of Americans report eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per…
If you're planning to tackle a home decorating project this year, here are the top trends you should consider:
Marble wallpaper:
A lot of the 2017 trends are about going back to classic styles, and it doesn't get much more classic than marble. Few materials evoke high-end living as simply and effectively as marble, a global…
Whether you realize it or not, the colors you select for your home and your personal belongings tell a lot about your personality. In fact, according to a recent survey by PPG, 58 percent of 2,500 consumers surveyed agree that colors selected for their home, car and consumer products - such as appliances and electronics…