The world is full of myths and misconceptions about sex and relationships. Some people do it differently to others and one person’s ideal relationship is different from their friends’. There are all these opinions on what a sex life or relationship should look like, but some of these myths are worth busting. Misconceptions are unhelpful and can put unnecessary pressure on a person or their partner, so it’s important to address them.
1. Men aren’t emotional
A common misconception in this area is that men aren’t emotional. Sexist beliefs that women are emotional and men strong and hardy have led some to think that either gender is incapable of falling anywhere in between.
But that’s nonsense and science confirms it. A study cited by Huffington Post suggested that men may be more emotional than women, but are better at hiding it. Scientific American confirms that emotional expression between the sexes is more nuanced than society might have us believe.
Social expectations and gender roles often lead men to hide what they are truly feeling inside, conforming to what is generally considered “gender-appropriate behavior”. It’s time to ditch that misconception and say: “Lads, it’s OK to cry in public.”
2. Erectile Dysfunction is a rare condition
Something men do have very strong emotions about is their sexual performance. They want to know if they’re doing a good job and if they’re doing it better than other men. So, it’s unsurprising that men are mostly unwilling to talk about erectile dysfunction. This lack of conversation leaves behind the misconception that erectile dysfunction is rare.
However, erectile dysfunction is very common and at Many it is said that one in four new erectile dysfunction patients are under the age of 40, meaning it’s also not unusual in young men. The fact that it’s so common means there are lots of ways to address it, such as prescription medicines and reducing stress. Destigmatizing ED will further enable those who need or desire it to get help.
3. There’s a ‘right’ amount of sex
Another misconception is that there is a right amount of sex. Couples often question whether they should be having more or less sex, but the right amount of sex doesn’t exist. Healthline article about how often couples have sex states that a couple’s sex life can be affected by all kinds of things, such as age, lifestyle, and health. Because every couple is so different and has different understandings of what a healthy sex life looks like, it doesn’t make sense to compare the sex life in your relationship to that of others.
If physical and sexual intimacy has been an important part of your relationship in the past, then a decrease in that might be something you want to address. However, “doing it” just to keep up with the Joneses and reach an arbitrary quota is not the right way to go.
Relationships are complicated things, so don’t stress over the myths and misconceptions: focus on you and your partner’s happiness instead.
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