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So you’re approaching the big 5-0. The midlife marker, oooh happy birthday! We Promise, it’s not all downhill from there. So you’ve heard phrases like ‘he’s a bit of a silver fox’ and ‘he’s aged like a fine wine’ and it’s true, men get better with age. Fifty does not mean frumpy. Just look at Nick Wooster. Don’t let your wardrobe age just because you are. You’re older, wiser, more dashing, even with your receding hairline. Flaunt it with finesse.
Modern and minimal should be your new mantra. We’re not saying that you have to cut color out completely, but instead of going for bright and garish colors try opting for something more classic. Camel, dark greens, light grey and navy blue. Chasing trends is something that should be left to men in their thirties. By now you know your style, you know what suits you. But you’re heading into your fifties, tone it down, refine it and make it classy. Fifty will be your best decade yet.
Your wardrobe should now reflect your style rather than being all about the latest fashion. Try and phase out the branded clothing, anything brash will scream midlife crisis. While stylish casual pieces may be harder to get right, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. A lot of men hit fifty and think that to look good they now have to wear suits all the time. Not true! Look at Vincent Cassel for inspiration. He has the balance totally down and looks great in everything he wears.