A woman’s breasts are one of the parts that symbolize her beauty. It is a feature of being feminine and one that distinguishes a woman from a man. A woman with a flat chest may find it depressing and feel unattractive. Some of the challenges being clothes not fitting well and difficulty in finding the right bra size. It is the desire of every woman to have shapely and well sized boobs. This desire may lead some women to increase their boobs through unnatural such as surgeries and implants. These artificial ways sometimes go wrong, and the effects cannot be changed. This is why pressing is the healthy choice to get those attractive boobs you’ve been dreaming about. Here are 8 facts about boobs:
1. Take a proper diet daily
One fact about boobs is that small breasts are as a result of taking the wrong type of food. During puberty, that is when hormonal changes take place including breasts enlargement. At this stage, most girls crave for junk food, and at most times they skip the balanced diet. One of the effects is the lack of the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for boob’s enlargements. To correct this, one should take food rich in estrogens such as soy beans and soy products. A proper diet is crucial to get more results from pressing.
2. A comfortable position before pressing
Take deep breaths before any exercises. Make sure your body is well hydrated by taking plenty of water. This will help you relax more and clear your mind. Lie on a comfortable bed was facing upwards. Put a pillow on your head to make yourself comfortable.
3. Massage while pressing
Pressing the boobs lightly will increase your boobs in the long run. This may be more effective and efficient when massage is included. Massage increases the blood flow in the glands and tissues in the boobs; this makes the boobs appears fuller. It also helps the boobs to become more firm, which is the key to shapely breasts. Massage can be done by experts, or you can do it yourself.
4. Use massage oils while pressing
The reason massage oils and creams are recommended in the pressing method is to ensure maximum results are attained. Massage oil is well known to penetrate inside the skin and bring about relaxation, and in this case, it acts as a stimulator. It triggers the breast tissues and glands to secrete hormones that will enlarge the breasts.
5. Pressing between exercises
To transform those tiny breasts to become shapely and attractive it takes more than a comfortable pressing. Exercises such as pushups, chest press, wall press and swinging arms will get you where you want to be. They work on the tissues in your boobs. These exercises tone your upper body and therefore they reveal the shape of your boobs. Giving your breasts a gentle stroke in between the exercises will go a long way to maximizing your results.
6. Rub the palms of your hands before pressing
Rub your hands fast until they heat up and it feels like fire. When your hands are heated up, press your boobs gently. This heat will increase the flow of blood in the tissues and glands of your boobs, which is needed to make them appear full and shapely. Keep doing this for as long as you’ve got time.
7. Pressing your breasts in the right pattern
Pressing the breasts to require a circular motion pattern for maximum results. The same circular motion pattern that you use on the face applies when pressing on the boobs. For maximum results, while pressing the boobs use an inward clockwise circular motion and an outward anticlockwise circular motion when massaging or pressing your boobs. This will ensure that shapely breasts are brought out and also your cleavage is defined more.
8. Develop a routine
Transforming your boobs does not manifest overnight. A routine that one can master needs to be created. Do these techniques twice a day for maximum results. Pressing should be done while getting a bath and before sleep. You should do exercises that you enjoy. This helps to relax your body and prepare it for positive change.
The first step to achieve anything you may want is to love yourself. This step will make you choose the right ways to enlarge your breasts. Pressing is a natural way and it has no side effects as compared to the surgeries. With the appropriate ways of pressing you will certainly see and feel the impact. These facts about boobs will ensure you achieve your desired shape.