It’s probably fair to say that your routine has changed a little over the last four months. You may have been working from home or not at all. The gym that you usually use might have been closed, and let’s face it, you’ve probably been treating yourself to more desserts, sweet snacks and glasses of wine than you typically would. You’re by no means alone in letting yourself go a little.
Life has been tough, it’s been a challenging time for all of us, and if snacking or enjoying sweet treats has helped you to get through, so what? There’s certainly nothing wrong with getting through any way that you can, and you absolutely shouldn’t be punishing yourself if you’ve gained a little weight or lost some of your fitness levels.
However, life is now going back to normal. We’re heading back to work, bars, and restaurants are reopening, and we’re even starting to think about vacations and getaways, which means that it’s probably time to start thinking about getting back into our jeans, and building our fitness levels back up.
Try Alternative Remedies and Treatments
One problem that many of us are currently having is to do with a reluctance to seek help. You may not want to bother your doctor while they are busy or while there is a risk of a virus. You might have even been ignoring symptoms for a while.
This is a mistake. For minor ailments, aches, or pains, you might find that alternative remedies such as CBD Hemp Flower are a big help. Taking vitamins and other supplements can also be beneficial.
However, if you are worried or have concerning symptoms, you should always see your doctor or speak to a healthcare professional.
Walk More
If your fitness levels have dropped drastically, you may be worried about getting them back up again. The good news is, you can. The bad news is, it will take time.
To build up gradually, while also improving your mental health and getting more fresh air, try to walk more. Go for a short walk after dinner every day, making it a part of your daily routine. You could also try going for walks around local beauty spots, walking to work, and gradually heading further away from home.
Don’t Wait for the Gym
It can be so tempting to say “I’ll exercise when the gym reopens” or “I’ll worry about my fitness when the gym is open, and I can do something about it” but the longer that you leave it, the harder it will be to get back into the swing of things, both mentally and physically.
If you have decided that you want to improve your health and fitness, don’t put it off, do something about it today. Go for walks, try home workouts, and make some healthy swaps in your diet.
Give Up Those Evening Treats
Lockdown has been hard for many people. If you’ve been trying to juggle home working, educating your children, and trying to take care of your family, is it any wonder that you reach for the chocolate and wine once you are done for the day?
But, these evening treats have, for most of us, contributed to weight gain and fitness loss. Short term, there’s nothing wrong with this but carry on, and it could start to affect your health. Try to limit your evening treats to once or twice a week, and eat healthily the rest of the time.
Set Some Goals
Having goals is motivational. You might have an obvious goal, like wanting to feel your best for a vacation, if not, set one for yourself.
Get Into a New Routine
Your old routines might not work right now, but routines are beneficial. They help us stick to healthy lifestyle choices and generally make health and fitness easier. So, create a new one that works for your new normal. You can always change it up later on.
Right now, one of the most important things to remember is to give yourself time. You can’t expect to get back to normal after one quick run or to feel better after an early night. It’s going to take time to feel like your old self again. Actually, you may never feel the same as you did before, and that’s fine too. Give yourself time, increase your activity levels slowly, and protect yourself when you need to, even if this means staying away from crowded places for longer. You will get fitter, your health will benefit, and you’ll be happier doing it if you take your time.