If so, you’re focusing on the wrong weight loss initiative, says Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester and an expert in the psychology of eating.
Instead, you should rewire your brain to heal from food addiction Susan explains. This is the basis of her forthcoming book “Bright Line Eating: The Science of Living Happy, Thin and Free“ (Hay House, March 2017) and her science-backed plan that has helped thousands of people from over 75 countries lose a collective 150,000+ pounds.
A full 99% of people who try to lose weight end up failing — and Susan has devoted her career to understanding why. A former drug addict, she was astounded to discover that consuming sugar and flour actually changes the brain, rewiring it to ensure that we will continue eating more and more of both. In other words, sugar and flour are highly addictive.
Thus the modern American diet, rife with flour and sugar, wires our brain to work against us. It hijacks our hormones and neurotransmitters, leaving us with insatiable hunger and overpowering cravings.
But we can rewire it to work for us, and achieve permanent weight loss. Here’s how:
Eliminate sugar and flour
They are as addictive and harmful to your brain as cocaine and other powdered drugs.
Eat regular meals
A steady schedule of three meals a day at regular mealtimes—breakfast, lunch, and dinner —trains the brain to eat the right things at the right times and to pass up the wrong things in between.
Eat the right quantities
Most adults no longer receive reliable signals from their brains to stop eating when they’ve had enough. Eating right-sized portions will revive those signals over time and help the pounds melt off.
Be consistent
Like a drug rehab program, make these “Bright Lines” non-negotiable. Doing so will take the burden off willpower, make good choices automatic and remove the ambiguity that leads to “just one more little bite.”
As for the gym, exercise actually weakens willpower, leads us to overeat, and makes it harder to stick to these Bright Lines. And most people wind up quitting the gym routine early in the year…
Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester and an expert in the psychology of eating. She is President of the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss and CEO of Bright Line Eating Solutions, a company dedicated to sharing the psychology and neuroscience of sustainable weight loss and helping people live Happy, Thin, and Free.