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If your reserves are running low and you’re feeling fatigued, it might be time to get an energy boost. With many people juggling a hectic or chaotic schedule, it’s not surprising that tiredness, low energy and fatigue are common problems. However, there are quick and effective ways to boost your energy and increase your vitality…
- Exercise
When you’re regularly exhausted, heading out for a run or hitting the gym may be the last thing you feel like doing. However, exercise can actually help to increase your energy and help you to feel more alert, as well as being one of the best things you can do for your health. Exercise causes your body to release norepinephrine and epinephrine, and small amounts of these hormones can make you feel more energized. If you can’t face a full workout, try a brisk walk or a short run instead.
- Sleep less
If you’re lacking energy, you may feel like you want to sleep as much as possible, but this could be doing you more harm than good. In some cases, you may even be getting too much sleep, which could lead to increased fatigue. To combat this, avoid taking naps during the day and restrict your sleeping hours at night. Go to bed a little later than usual and set your alarm earlier. If you sleep soundly, it’s a good sign that you’re getting the right amount of rest but overdoing it can lead to wakefulness and broken nights.
- Boost your B12
Although vitamin B12 is present in many foods, it’s only usually found in animal products. As a result, many people are deficient in this vital vitamin. Even if you eat a meat-based diet, the amount of B12 you absorb from food can be limited. If you feel tired or low on energy, this could be the first signs that your body is lacking in B12. Shots and B12 infusions are a great way to increase your levels and reputable clinics, such as Cosmedic Wellness Centers, make it easy to schedule a top up. Of course, you can take regular supplements to stay energized on a regular basis too.
- Increase water intake
Most of us are suffering from chronic dehydration, although we may not realize it at the time. Dry skin, fatigue and headaches can all be signs that your body is dehydrated, so pay attention to your water intake to ensure you’re drinking enough. Whilst some tea, coffee and squashes can contribute to your overall daily intake, be mindful of the caffeine and/or sugar you’re consuming in these beverages. Of course, sodas, fruit juices and alcoholic drinks don’t count towards your daily water intake and should be largely avoided if you want to boost your energy levels.
- Minimize stress
Both acute and chronic stress can cause chaos with your energy levels, so try to reduce stress wherever possible. If you’re unable to minimize stress completely, learning how to cope with it can be beneficial. By practicing yoga, meditation or self-hypnosis, for example, you can improve the way you handle stressful events and stressors. As a result, your body won’t be negatively impacted by stressful situations and your energy levels will be restored.