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You will need to make a number of choices when shopping for a diamond. How much do you want to spend? What diamond shape are you interested in? Is the color, cut, clarity, or carat more important to you? All of these questions must be answered. But first, shoppers must decide whether they want a natural or lab-grown diamond.
Lab-Grown vs. Natural Diamonds
As its name suggests, a lab-grown diamond is one that is grown in the lab instead of in nature. Natural diamonds are created from carbon in the Earth’s upper mantle and can take over 1 billion years to form. Natural diamonds can only grow in certain environmental conditions, which is why they are so rare. But now, scientists have found an alternative to mining diamonds from the Earth. Scientists can recreate these specific environmental conditions in a laboratory to create diamonds in a fraction of the time that it would take to create them in nature. The result is a lab-grown diamond, which looks and feels just like the diamonds that form in nature.
The Pros and Cons of Purchasing Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-grown diamonds are not as expensive as natural diamonds, which is why many shoppers are drawn to them. Both types of diamonds are beautiful, and it’s hard for the untrained eye to tell whether or not a diamond has been created in the lab or in nature. However, this does not mean that purchasing a lab-grown diamond is the same as purchasing a natural diamond.
There’s something romantic about an engagement ring that is made with a natural diamond. But, many women find that a ring with a lab-grown diamond does not feel as romantic. The diamond was quickly made in a sterile laboratory, which sounds far less romantic than forming over billions of years deep within the Earth. Plus, natural diamonds are often seen as symbols of strength, resilience, and rarity, but lab-grown diamonds are not. If you want to make sure the engagement ring you choose is sending the right message to your significant other, select a natural diamond instead of one that was grown in a lab.
There is no shortage of lab-grown diamonds in the world—these diamonds can be created quickly and inexpensively in a controlled laboratory environment. The same cannot be said for natural diamonds, which are known for their rarity. Because natural diamonds are so rare, they are incredibly valuable. A natural diamond retains its value over the years—sometimes, it even increases in value—which means you shouldn’t have any trouble reselling the diamond in the future. But, a lab-grown diamond has virtually no resale value. It doesn’t cost as much upfront because it’s not a valuable asset that can be resold in the future. This is one of the many reasons why experts recommend always purchasing a natural diamond over a lab-grown diamond.
As you can see, there are many reasons why natural diamonds are preferred over lab-grown diamonds. Take a look at this infographic to learn how these diamonds naturally form over time: