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Did you know that there is a link between genetics and alcoholism?
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, genes play a role in about half of a person’s risk for developing alcoholism. This means that if your grandparents or parents struggled with alcohol addiction, you are also more likely to.
But don’t worry – this doesn’t mean that you’re destined to become an alcoholic. You can do several things to reduce your risk, including seeking treatment if you need it.
So if you’re concerned about your risk for alcoholism, please read on. We’ll talk about what genetic factors contribute to alcoholism, and we’ll also discuss some of the ways you can lower your risk.
What is Alcoholism?
Alcoholism is a chronic, progressive disease. It is often characterized by dependence on alcohol. People with alcoholism cannot control their drinking, and they continue to drink even though it causes problems with their health, work, and personal relationships.
Alcoholism affects the body and the mind. It is characterized by physical symptoms, such as tolerance (the need to drink more alcohol to feel the same effects) and withdrawal (physical symptoms that occur when alcohol use is stopped).
Psychological symptoms also include cravings (a strong desire to drink alcohol) and loss of control (the inability to stop drinking once started).
Alcoholism is a serious problem that can result in physical and psychological damage, including liver disease, brain damage, heart disease, and cancer.
What Causes Alcoholism?
There is no single cause of alcoholism. Instead, it results from a combination of psychological, genetic, and environmental factors.
For example, people who have a family history of alcoholism are more likely to develop the condition themselves. Similarly, people exposed to trauma or stress are also at increased risk.
However, alcoholism is not simply a matter of choice. Instead, it is a complex condition that can result in severe physical and psychological dependence.
Treatment typically involves a combination of inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation, counseling, and medication. In some cases, hospitalization may also be necessary. With treatment, many people are able to overcome alcoholism and live healthy lives.
How Does Genetics Play A Role in Alcoholism?
It’s no secret that genetics play a role in alcoholism. If you have a family history of alcoholism, you’re more likely to struggle with alcohol addiction yourself. But just how big of a role does genetics really play?
Studies have shown that genetics account for about half of the risk of developing alcoholism. In other words, if you have a parent or grandparent who is an alcoholic, you’re twice as likely to become an alcoholic yourself. But it’s not just family history that matters – genes also play a role.
However, genetics isn’t the only factor that contributes to alcoholism. Environmental factors, such as peer pressure and access to alcohol, also play a role. And some people are simply more vulnerable to addiction than others. But genetics is definitely one piece of the puzzle.
What Can You Do To Lower Your Risk?
If you’re concerned about your risk for alcoholism, there are some things you can do to protect yourself. First, if you have a family history of alcoholism, be sure to avoid any type of drinking until you’re of legal age.
And if you do drink, be sure to do so in moderation. Avoid binge drinking, and never drink to the point of intoxication.
It’s equally important to recognize the signs and symptoms of alcoholism. If you notice any red flags, such as cravings, loss of control, or physical dependence, it’s important to get help.
Is There An “Alcohol Gene”?
Studies have identified specific genes that are associated with alcoholism. For example, one gene variant has been linked to an increased craving for alcohol. So, even if you don’t have a family history of alcoholism, you may still be at risk if you have this gene variant.
Final Thoughts
Despite being genetically predisposed to alcoholism, there are many resources available to help you overcome the disease, and treatment can make a big difference. If you or someone you love is struggling with the effects of alcoholism, remember that you’re not alone – millions of people have been in your shoes, and help is available.