It can be very easy to own a car but running it and being a good car owner is a different matter. There are numerous things that you need to keep on top of such as road tax, insurance and services as well making sure you’re prepared for any situation. As a car owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure your’s and other’s safety and also be a little clued up on what it takes to own a car and keep it safe.
Have a look below at some of the things you should consider when you own a car:
Is It Road Legal?
Whether you’re buying a car that’s straight off the line or buying second hand it is still your duty of care to ensure you keep it road legal. It’s not just a legal requirement it’s also a matter of safety. This means that you need to have a valid MOT that is completed every year, have the relevant road tax for your vehicle and have insurance for cars. These all make sure your car is road legal and without them, you shouldn’t have your car on the road. Although having a service isn’t part of keeping your car road legal it’s also advised that you have a service on a yearly basis to keep the car running as smoothly as possible. Most people tend to have this at the same time as their MOT. You can expect to have things such as your oil changed and have an extensive check on your vehicle completed. They will look at areas such as your break, air filtration and spark plugs.
Do You Know About Your Tires?
A big part of keeping a car safe and you safe is to make sure your tires are in working order and that you know what to do if they’re not. Whether you have a warning system that comes up on your dashboard or you need to make checks manually it’s essential that you know and understands how to look after your tires. You need to be checking things such as tyre pressure, tread depth and any bad abrasions. At some point, you are probably going to need replacement tires but these can be done at a garage. It’s also wise to familiarize yourself with how to deal with a flat tyre, does you car have a spare tyre or does it have the filler to temporarily fix a puncture?
Do You Have An Emergency Kit?
Regardless of the time of year, you should think about having an emergency kit in your car just encase you break down or are stuck in long traffic. In the winter you will want to include items such as a few blankets, deicer, an ice scraper, window washer and a few snacks. In the summer you may need water, snacks and things like window washer. It’s a good idea to include your emergency breakdown cover details in the pack too.
These three areas are important things to consider when you own a car, do you have any other considerations that should be on the list? Please share them in the comments section below.