For any person who is about to enter into a long-term relationship, there is much to consider. The assets you already have should not be included in any joint assets, and by entering into a mutually agreeable prenuptial contract with your partner, you are protecting your assets. Many people do not wish to think about what might happen if the relationship breaks down, yet when you consider that more than one third of Australian marriages end in divorce, it highlights the importance of making provisions.
Tailored to Suit Both Parties
Basically, a prenuptial agreement is a joint agreement between two people that stipulates what happens to specific assets in the event the relationship ends. There are family lawyers in Adelaide who can help you to draw up a prenuptial agreement, which protects both parties and in the event of a divorce, the assets would be divided according to the prenuptial agreement.
Planning for the Children’s Future
Creating a prenuptial agreement is a good way to ensure the financial security of any children, and for both parents, it is essential to make provisions for the kids in the event the marriage broke up. With the input of both parents, provisions can be made that ensure the financial security of the children, should the marriage ever break down.
Communicate with your Partner
In cases where one party is unhappy about the introduction of a prenuptial agreement, it is usually because they were not consulted, so make sure that you first talk to your fiancée regarding individual assets. Most people see the sense in making a legally binding agreement to protect their individual assets, and with the help of a family lawyer, you can be sure that your requirements are met.
Children from Previous Relationships
If you have children from a previous relationship, a prenuptial agreement can help to ensure that they are provided for. As the agreement is a legally binding, whatever is stipulated will be administered in the event of a divorce, thus avoiding messy conflict.
Unique Financial Circumstances
No two people have identical financial circumstances, and rather than causing resentment, a prenuptial agreement can bring people closer together by making them think about making provisions should the relationship ever end. More and more couples enter into a prenuptial agreement, especially those who have previously been married, and with the help of an experienced family lawyer, both parties are happy with the contents.
Professional Advice
If you had not considered a prenuptial agreement, why not talk to a family lawyer who can advise you on the best way to proceed? Whatever region of Australia you live in, an online search will bring up a list of local family law practices and you can take it from there. While we all want to be optimistic and assume that our marriage is for life, what if that isn’t the case?
Talk to your fiancée and you can both sit down and draw up an agreement that will protect both of you in the event of a divorce and covers every aspect of asset division, and with the help of a family lawyer, you can both take steps to protect your individual assets.