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What weird times we live in right now! A few weeks ago, the world was spinning and everything seemed fine. Then, a health crisis gripped the world and it’s shaken society to its core. At the heart of your life is a relationship that’s suddenly become a long-distance one. You may only live a couple of miles away from each other, but lockdown rules mean that you can’t fraternize if you don’t live in the same house. So, you may be a couple that is relying on catching VD – virtual dating advice.
Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place because we have enough for everybody! Here are the tips to keep in mind if you’re a newbie to the virtual dating world.
Resist The Urge To Speak All The Time
You’re young and in love, and you want nothing more than to speak to your betrothed. You do it all the time, so what’s the problem? Well, currently, the fact that you both can’t leave the house other than to exercise or go grocery shopping is a bit of a downer. And, your conversations won’t be riveting. Yes, it’s incredible to hear their voice, but you may find that the well runs dry quicker than expected, leaving your calls awkward and boring. Every other day is plenty.
Go On Typical Dates
Lots of people think that virtual dating is about picking up the phone and using FaceTime to interact. Although video calling technology is essential, it’s vital that you use it creatively. Come on, guys and girls – don’t let the tech go to waste! With Zoom, for instance, you can host a meeting for four people, making it an excellent tool for a double date. Alternatively, pick a recipe, cook it, and sit down at the table with a bottle of wine. You are confined to the house, yet that doesn’t mean dates should be monotonous.
Use Home-Based Business Resources
You’re going to spend a lot of time staring at a screen without being able to speak in person, so a robust internet connection is imperative. For those of you who run a company from home, you should lean on your corporate resources. Managed IT systems limit downtime to ensure that productivity is high – learn more here – which means this connection won’t be glitchy. You may never have to worry about IT ruining another date again, not when you have a dedicated team who work around the clock ready to fix any problems!
Stay Strong
Dating virtually is going to be tough. Arguments will happen because instant messaging services and phone calls don’t convey your tone properly. Plus, there’s the stir-crazy factor to consider. The reality is that you’re going to have to stay strong and look forward to the day when you can leave your home without fear of prosecution! In all seriousness, exercising regularly, working (when possible), and sticking to a semi-productive routine will stop you from fighting.
Hopefully, everybody who isn’t living with their partner will be okay. How are you coping?