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Most of the health benefits that you can get from wine come from its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and lipid-regulating effects. However, these are only available when you drink wine moderately and regularly. Wine is made of crushed dark grapes, a great source of resveratrol, found more specifically in the grapes’ skin.
However, the antioxidants that wine has is the primary reason health enthusiasts recommend drinking it. These antioxidants reduce oxidative stress in the human body, primarily linked to a lot of severe illnesses, like cancer and heart disease.
That said, here are some of the surprising health benefits that wine has.
Rich In Antioxidants
Wine is, without a doubt, enjoyable. But one of the reasons that health enthusiasts recommend drinking wine regularly, albeit in small amounts, is because wine is rich in antioxidants.
But what do antioxidants exactly do to our body? In simpler terms, our body is continuously bombarded with oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by imbalance or antioxidants being overpowered by unstable molecules, also called free radicals. These free radicals cause damage to our cells, and in order to avoid cellular damage, there should be a balance between antioxidants and free radicals.
However, if you are confused about whether to drink white or red wine, you are better off drinking more red wine, such as Chateau Margaux wines. The grapes used in red wines are more abundant in antioxidants than the grapes used in white wines.
To sum it all up, a higher antioxidant status in your body is more beneficial as it reduces the risks of you having severe diseases.
Cardiovascular Health
A lot of studies in the past show links to moderate drinking of wine to a healthier heart. This has been supported by researchers stating that drinking red wine regularly in healthy amounts reduces the risk of having coronary heart disease, which is one of the leading causes of disease and death in the U.S.
However, the American Heart Association or AHA concludes that drinking wine and heart health does not show a cause-and-effect relationship. That said, AHA says that other factors may also play a role in having good heart health, like proper diet and exercise.
They also acknowledge that most people often misinterpret what is “moderate” in drinking red wine. Thus, they stated that people should follow the official CDC guidelines in drinking red wine, which is a glass of wine per day for women and two a day for men.
Protection Against Cancer
Drinking wine also protects you from a common but deadly disease called cancer. As it turns out, the phenolic compounds, which are also beneficial to heart health, could also slow down the growth of breast cancer cells. Not only that, but French scientists also found out that it could also slow down the growth of prostate and liver cancer cells.
Moreover, researchers from the University of Missouri School of Dentistry discovered that resveratrol, the main compound found in red wine, and a compound called quercetin, can suppress the growth of oral cancer cells. Moreover, some other antioxidants that can help with cancer can be found in red wine, and resveratrol and quercetin are just two of them.
Liver Disease Risk Reduction
Alcohol is one of the primary reasons for people having liver diseases. But ironically, drinking red wine regularly and in proper amounts can promote liver health. According to researchers, drinking red wine is linked to lower fibrosis in people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
However, although drinking red wine promotes liver health, too much of it can damage your liver. Although it provides a slew of health benefits like antioxidants that are good for your liver, too much alcohol can lead to an increase in uric acid and triglycerides.
Stronger Bones
One of the most shocking discoveries of wine research is its ability to decrease the risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is linked with age and is common in older people.
A report back in April 2000 in the American Journal of Epidemiology shows that women who drank at least 11 to 29 grams of red wine had a higher bone density than those who didn’t drink wine. Take note that bone density is the primary measuring tool for physicians to determine a patient’s bone resilience and strength.
However, it doesn’t only affect women. Another study back in November 2000 tested men aged between 54-63 to see if wine would have the same effect in bone density as women. Compared to nondrinkers, the men tested had a higher bone density, reducing their risk of having severe osteoporosis.
Drinking wine regularly and in reasonable amounts has many health benefits that can help you with certain diseases. However, as mentioned earlier, these health benefits only benefit those who drink healthily. That said, excessive drinking can do more harm than good. So, remember, drink moderately.