As a newly-single parent, the idea of self-care might seem daunting and overwhelming – after all, you have a family to take care of and perhaps little free time or energy.
However, prioritizing your own self care is essential in order to be able to provide loving care for those who count on you.
Just as maintaining your hearing health , as well as the health of all of your other senses, is crucial, so too is maintaining your eye health. Nobody can control the rate at which their eyes grow old, but through some preventive measures and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can delay the onset of…
Get a buzz without the bulge
It’s bikini season and believe it or not, a margarita could cost you the calorie equivalent of 2 cupcakes with EXTRA ICING. I am going to assume that you wouldn’t habitually eat cupcakes while sun-bathing.
From the beach-bar to the house-BBQ, choose any of these 5 COLD cocktails to…
You’re SO GOOD all week! Bringing fruit to work, avoiding the office birthday cake, getting in that dreaded cardio, and even avoiding beer (mostly)- because it’s bikini season!
GRAZING at a BBQ can add over 1100 calories to your day- and that’s NOT including alcohol or a burger.
Don’t be the drag on a diet… Use these…