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A vegetable patch can actually have a drastic impact on your life, providing you with a whole host of benefits and advantages that you might never have initially expected. Understanding how a vegetable patch can be so beneficial can act as the perfect encouragement to help you start a patch of your own, and thankfully this guide contains some of the best selling points that you need to know today. So, if you’re interested in figuring out how a vegetable patch can change your life, then read on!
The Freshest Produce Possible
One of the most important (and likely most obvious) selling points that you can expect as a result of having your own vegetable patch is the freshest produce possible. When you go to the grocery store, it’s highly unlikely that any of the produce is any fresher than 4-5 days old. This is due to the fact that most grocery stores do not seek out local suppliers, instead choosing to buy from massive corporations that ship their produce out instead. These food miles can certainly have an impact on the food that you eat and your personal carbon footprint too, but having your own vegetable patch will remove these issues completely. You can simply waltz out into your garden and dig up or pick any vegetables or herbs that you need whenever they are ripe or whenever you need to use them, allowing you to enjoy them at their best. You’ll certainly be able to taste the difference when you bite into something you just picked compared with something that was picked weeks ago before traveling around the world, as something like an authentic ratatouille recipe that focuses on vegetables as the main ingredient will be totally transformed into an explosion of flavor.
Calming, Therapeutic Effects
Getting out in your garden can certainly have a really calming and relaxing impact, especially when you can enjoy something therapeutic such as pruning a basil plant or turning up the soil for a new batch of seeds. Many people would be happy to agree that gardening is no doubt one of the most relaxing activities that you can pursue at home, especially if you have a more natural garden space where you can listen to the sound of the birds rather than cars whizzing past you next to a busy road. Take the time to spend as little as 30 minutes to an hour tending to your vegetable patch each day, and you’ll soon start to reap the mental rewards when you can feel more balanced and at one with nature.
Access To Fresh Air & Sunshine
In today’s modern world, an alarming number of people do not get enough fresh air and sunshine. With workers trapped in office blocks until the sun goes down and entertainment options focusing around televisions and computers, spending time outdoors is certainly becoming a thing of the past that a large percentage of society is starting to avoid with gusto. Fortunately deciding to grow your own vegetable patch will help you to avoid this, as you’ll have to get outside to tend to your vegetable patch on a daily basis to make sure all of your produce is healthy and happy! You’ll gain the benefit of fresh air and vitamin D filled sunshine, helping you to feel refreshed and energized while boosting your health and well-being. It’s the perfect way to encourage yourself to get outdoors, as leaving your vegetable patch to run wild for weeks without checking on it would ruin your harvest, so you will have to work each day to keep it in the best condition.
Saving Money
By growing your own vegetables at home, you can start to cut the cost of your grocery bill. It’s far cheaper to buy some seeds than it would be to constantly buy produce from the store, so over time you can expect to save hundreds by making the switch to homegrown vegetables. Just make sure you aren’t falling into the trap of pricey fertilizers that can make it much more expensive for you to maintain your vegetable garden, as you can use a much cheaper alternative that likely has better results – your food scraps! Using your food scraps as fertilizer will even help to reduce your food waste, so you’ll be able to become a more environmentally conscious individual.
Having your own vegetable patch can certainly change your life, whether you consider the physical and mental health benefits or even the financial advantages!