As a society, we don’t tend to talk too much about contraception. It’s a bit of a taboo subject. But at the end of the day, it’s something that the majority of sexually active individuals engage with and can also form an extremely important part of your general health care regime in other ways – perhaps to treat skin complaints, control menstrual cycles, treat endometriosis, or help with polycystic ovarian syndrome (otherwise known as PCOS). So, it’s extremely important that we are fully aware of all of the different options available to us. Now, it’d be nigh on impossible to go through every form of contraception in just one article. So for now, let’s focus on two of the most commonly employed methods: the combined pill and the contraceptive implant.
The Combined Pill
The combined oral contraceptive pill is better known simply as “the pill”, and is one of the most commonly employed methods of contraception in the world. This is the original form of female contraception and was developed to be an option that allowed women control over their reproductive systems in a tablet that could be discreetly taken as part of their day to day routines. Approved by the FDA and launched in 1960, the pill is still perhaps the most popular birth control option on the market, with around 10.6 million women are taking the pill as recommended by their doctor.When taken correctly, the pill is 99% effective, meaning that less than one in 100 women will get pregnant when taking it. In order to ensure that the pill can work as effectively as possible, you need to ensure that you take one every day for twenty one days of the month before taking a seven day break, when you will have a period-style bleed. You should also attempt to take the pill at the same time each day. If you vomit or have diarrhoea, you should avoid sexual intercourse, as the pill could have left your system and you could risk becoming pregnant. You can be prescribed the pill by your doctor, through a local family planning clinic or an online pharmacy like Pill Doctor. If you find that you are too busy to always pick your prescription up, don’t worry. You can get birth control delivered through your healthcare provider!
The Contraceptive Implant
While the pill is extremely effective when used correctly, you need to practice self-control and regulation for its success. If you are unreliable, have a bad memory, or are likely to skip or miss pills, you should consider other options. The contraceptive implant is one of these. Otherwise referred to as Nexplanon, the contraceptive implant is a thin, flexible, plastic rod that is inserted under the skin in the upper arm by a professional practitioner. Once fitted, it can be left in place for up to three years. This means that you do not have to worry about or consider contraception for another three years after your fitting, as it is already in place and working. You can also rely on this method of birth control, as it is over 99% effective. If you decide that you do want to be fertile again, it can easily be removed and your fertility will return to normal over a few days.
General Advice
The best way to determine which form will suit you best is to book in for a consultation with your doctor. This will give them the opportunity to assess you as an individual and recommend an option that will best suit your body, your needs, and your preferences. Remember that you can also change your method of contraception whenever you wish – just book back in with your doctor and you can make necessary changes. Also remember that whenever you participate in any process that alters your hormonal balance, there can be side effects, such as spotting or your periods may completely stop. These side effects are not dangerous, but they often can’t be regulated and should be something you should also talk to your doctor about before going ahead.
These are just two different forms of contraception. There are plenty more effective forms out there, including the IUD, and the IUS. If you are entirely sure that you will never want to have children, you can also consider the option of sterilisation. Hopefully, this information has helped you on the start of your journey to find the best option for you!