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Before women became liberated, there was a time when dating was pretty cut and dry. A man would court a woman and if all worked out well, they would eventually become engaged and then get married. Well, times have certainly changed and the lines have become quite blurred. It’s actually become a great deal more complicated with both parties being socially equal.
Although times have changed, the desire to find a meaningful relationship has not changed that much over the years. In reality, both men and women are looking for good relationships but have not lucked out.
As a man, there are habits that are totally archaic and should be buried. There are things that are total turn-offs for women and if you continue using them, you are not going to have too many significant dates, anytime soon.
Bad Moves By Men:
Being totally hung up only on a woman’s physical appearance, you’re missing out on some awesome women.
Placing a dishonest profile online such as your age, weight and interests. Dishonesty is going to come back and bite you.
Stop with the assembly line emails that are sent in bulk and loaded with pickup lines that didn’t work in the 50s and sure as heck will not work now.
Telling women what you think they want to hear but, quite honestly, you don’t mean at all!
Spending your entire adult life texting and emailing instead of picking up your phone and calling her.
Taking advantage of a woman who possibly just got over a lousy relationship or taking advantage of her generosity by looking for monetary payouts. Shame on you!
Don’t tell her she’s the only one when, in reality, you are dating many different women.
Take the following advice if you want to start dating women who are worth it:
Be Honest With Yourself:
Women find it very refreshing to meet guys who are honest about themselves and present an accurate image. Let women know who you really are, it shows honesty and self-assurance and women really like that quality. Women find it very refreshing to meet guys who are honest about themselves.
Romance Is Not Dead:
Let her know if you are truly interested in her. Give her a quick phone call before turning in for the night and tell her you are thinking about her, it’ll go a long way.
Show Integrity:
Should you go on a date and feel it’s not going to work, you must be honest about it. Don’t tell her you’ll call her in a few days and never do, it’s disrespectful and very hurtful. If it’s not going anywhere, be a man and tell her in a kind way.
See Who She Really Is:
If you only look to her physical appearance you are missing out on who she really is. The old adage: A pretty package does not a perfect gift make. Wonderful women come in all shapes and sizes and you might be quite surprised when you discover you are in love with a real person and not a package.
Date With Patience:
If you do nothing but race through a date, you are never going to find a long-term relationship. Being patient and taking your time will lead you toward your significant other.
Work on removing your bad habits and realize that honesty, integrity, respect and kindness are signs of a man who is secure in his own skin. Women really do like that quality in a man.
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